

04 Apr, 2023 08:01 PM

FAQs on Kendriya Vidyalaya class 1 admission

FAQs on Kendriya Vidyalaya class 1 admission

What is the age limit for KVs 1st class?

A kid must be six years old as of March 31 of the academic year they are applying for admission to be admitted into Class 1. Any child born on April 1 should also be considered.

How can I get admission to KVS in Class 1?

A parent/guardian can follow these steps and register their child for admission

Step 1: Visit the official website –

Step 2: Click on the registration link

Step 3: Enter the details such as the name of the child, date of birth, email id, phone number and more

Step 4: Click on the register tab and pay the fees

Step 5: Download the application form for future reference

Till what date can I apply for admission to KVS in Class 1?

On April 17, the registration procedure will come to an end.

What is the selection process in Kendriya Vidyalaya for Class 1?

Children of transferable and non-transferable Central government employees as well as children of ex-servicemen are given preference in Kendriya Vidyalaya. Children of foreign diplomats sent on deputation or transferred to India at the government's request will also be included.

The children of transferable and non-transferable employees of autonomous bodies, public sector organisations, or institutions of higher education owned by the Government of India would then be given preference.

In both transferable and non-transferable occupations, children of state government employees.

Children of transferable and non-transferable workers of state government-owned higher education institutions, public sector companies, or autonomous organisations.

Children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or any personal reasons. The children of foreign nationals will be considered only in the case there are no children of Indian nationals on the waiting list for admission.

What is the single girl child quota in KV?

A single-girl limit is also present under particular restrictions.

"There is a limit of two girls per section in Class 1 and two girls per class from Class 6 forward for single girl students. It also includes twin female children," the entrance requirements stated.

What if twin girls?

If there are twin girls, their entry will be considered as one admission, and when the lot is drawn, their names should be recorded on one slip. Admission will be given based on priority category if the number of applicants exceeds the number of allocated seats, which is a maximum of two per section in Class 1 and a comparable number in Class 6 and higher. If there are more submissions in one category, all of those applications will be considered, and a list of candidates will be created by a drawing of lots.

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