
26 Jun, 2024 12:38 PM

DoT: Enhancement of Allowances as DA touches 50%

DoT: Enhancement of Allowances as DA touches 50%

01-02(01)/2024-PAT 1/3188129/2024
No. 01-02(01)/2024-PAT
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(PAT Section)

1120, Sanchar Bhawan,
20-Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
Dated: /06/2024


Sub.: Enhancement of Allowances due to increased DA rates i.e. 50% w.e.f. 01.01.2024.

The undersigned is directed to draw the attention towards Department of Expenditure ID No.2/5/2017-E.1I(B) dated 20.03.2024 addressed to the Controller General of Accounts, New Delhi with copy to this Department and others vide which DoE has reiterated their position that no separate order with regard to increase of allowances consequent upon increase in DA rates to 50% is required.

Therefore, the undersigned is directed to draw the attention of all concerned to the following orders issued by Department of Expenditure/DoP&T in the past and request that consequent upon increase of Dearness Allowance to 50% w.e.f. 01.01.2024, the enhanced revised rates may be regulated as per the respective OMs related to various items w.e.f. 01.01.2024.

Allowance Rates as per DoE/DoPT order
House Rent Allowance DoE OM No.2/5/2017-E.II(B) dated 07.07.2017.
Children Education Allowance DoPT OM No.A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL), dated 17.07.2018.
Hotel Accommodation DoE OM No.19030/1/2017.E.IV, dated 13.07.2017.
Reimbursement of Travelling Charges for travel within the city (touring station) DoE OM No.19030/1/2017.E.IV, dated 13.07.2017.
Reimbursement of food charges/Lump sum amount or Daily Allowance DoE OM No.19030/1/2017.E.IV, dated 13.07.2017
For journey performed by own car/taxi, auto
rickshaw, own scooter etc. at the place where no Specific rate has been prescribed by Director of Transport of concerned State or the neighbouring State
DoE OM No.19030/1/2017.E.IV, dated 13.07.2017
Rate of transportation of personal effects by road on transfer etc. DOE OM No.19030/1/2017.E.IV, dated 13.07.2017.
Special Allowance for child for women with disabilities DoE OM No.A-27012/03/2017-Estt.(AL), dated 16.08.2017.
Deputation allowance DoPT OM No.2/11/2017-Estt.(Pay-ll), dated 24.11.2017.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.


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